Fly with Masten

As a researcher, you're not used to this kind of access to suborbital space. Repeatable flights, payloads that return to pad undamaged, high flight frequency and unique research opportunities are just some of the benefits of Reusable Launch Vehicles you'll see at Masten.

We want your payload to be one of the first to experience this new suborbital experience. Whether you're in search of high quality microgravity, the upper atmosphere, a platform for extraterrestrial observation, or something else, Masten's RLVs hold a unique opportunity.


Test Validation

Nothing validates your hard work like real world test data. Whether you're looking for a vertical lander to prove landing pad design, looking for a platform to test autonomous vertical landing software, or need to integrate your code with a reusable launch vehicle, Masten's here to help.

It's technology development at it's core, sure, but it's more than just a flight as a payload. Masten absolutely excels at this and looks forward to working with you to deliver the kind of real-world data nobody else can provide.


Your Development Partner

So you have difficult engineering challenges staring you in the face. You need a team of crack experts in the world of reusable launch vehicle development and operation, and Masten is the place to be.

Our team brings years of experience designing, building and flying reusable rockets and a vigor for innovation and operation to any engineering challenge, whether it's building a new engine, designing a launch vehicle, or tackling operational issues.


Masten Space Systems is a vertically integrated aerospace R&D and flight services company creating and deploying reliable, reusable rocket vehicles and components. The company builds regeneratively cooled bipropellant propulsion systems and fully reusable vertical takeoff and landing launch vehicles. Unlike competitors in the commercial space industry, the company focuses on unmanned suborbital flights.


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